regaining motivation to practice

4 Tips On How To Regain Motivation To Practice

Embarking on the journey of learning music is an exhilarating endeavor, fueled by an initial burst of motivation and excitement. However, as time progresses, this journey can become very tiring, especially if you aren’t progressing the way you thought you would. In these moments, it’s crucial to recognize that dips in motivation are not uncommon; they’re a natural part of the journey towards excellence. The key lies in acknowledging these slumps and seeking ways to reignite the flame that once burned brightly.

In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies that will revitalize your commitment to practice, rediscover the joy in your craft, and ultimately, propel yourself towards newfound heights of achievement.

Understanding Motivation

What Is Motivation?

Motivation is the driving force behind our thoughts, actions, and behaviors, providing the energy and direction needed to pursue goals and overcome challenges. It encompasses a interplay of internal and external factors, including personal desires, aspirations, external rewards, and the intrinsic satisfaction derived from tasks. Motivation is not a constant state but rather a dynamic and fluctuating force that can be influenced by circumstances, mindset, and the perceived attainability of objectives. It acts as the catalyst that propels individuals to initiate, sustain, and complete tasks, playing a pivotal role in shaping the choices we make and the dedication we invest in achieving both short-term and long-term objectives.


Motivation can be broadly categorized into two main types: intrinsic and extrinsic.


Intrinsic motivation refers to the drive that comes from within an individual. It is characterized by an inherent enjoyment or interest in an activity itself, rather than relying on external rewards or pressures. When someone is intrinsically motivated, they find personal satisfaction, fulfillment, or joy in the process of engaging with a task or pursuing a goal. Examples of intrinsic motivation include a musician playing an instrument for the sheer love of music, an artist creating art for self-expression, or a student studying a subject out of genuine curiosity.


Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, involves external factors influencing behavior. This type of motivation arises from outside sources, such as rewards, recognition, or consequences. Individuals driven by this type of motivation may engage in activities to earn a tangible reward (like money, grades, or prizes) or to avoid negative outcomes. While extrinsic motivation can be effective in prompting certain behaviors, it would not sustain long-term commitment if the external incentives are removed. Examples of extrinsic motivation include working to earn a bonus, studying to get good grades, or participating in a competition for a trophy.

2 Reasons Why People Lose Motivation

While individual experiences vary, two significant reasons why people often lose motivation are:

  1. Lack of Clear Goals: One of the primary reasons for a loss of motivation is a lack of clear, specific, and achievable goals. When individuals are unsure about what they are working towards, it can lead to a sense of aimlessness. Without a well-defined purpose or vision, the tasks at hand may feel mundane or disconnected from a larger objective, making it difficult to sustain enthusiasm over time.
  2. Overwhelming Challenges and Obstacles: Facing overwhelming challenges, setbacks, or obstacles can erode motivation. When individuals encounter difficulties that seem insurmountable or when progress is slower than anticipated, it can lead to frustration and a sense of futility. The perception that the effort invested is not yielding tangible results can be demotivating, especially if individuals do not feel equipped to overcome the challenges they encounter.

4 Tips On How To Regain Motivation To Practice

1. Listen To Your Idols

Do you remember who you listened to that made you want to start learning music? Do you remember how skillful they sounded and how much you wanted to sound just like that, too?

Revisit that feeling by listening to the music of the people you admire. Seeing someone else do what you want to be able to do will assure you that it is achievable once you put in the work consistently.

2. Set Realistic Goals

One of the biggest reasons why people lose motivation over time is because they set goals that force them to push themselves too hard, causing a burnout that can be difficult to bounce back from.

Set a goal and then break it down down into smaller, more manageable tasks in time frames that are doable. Achieving these milestones can provide a sense of accomplishment and help to propel you forward.

For example, let’s say that your goal is to be able to learn 20 new bebop licks by the end of the year. You can choose to focus on 2 licks per month, and then focus on different aspects of those licks each week. On week 1 you can focus on learning the licks in all 12 keys, on week 2 you can practice playing them at faster tempos, on week 3, you can focus on applying them in songs that you know etc…

Before the end of the year, you will know 20 new bebop licks in all 12 keys that you can play at whatever BPM you choose.

3. Adjust Your Routine

Sometimes you will find a routine that works for you, and then after a few months it gets a little boring.

Don’t fear. This happens to the best of us. It’s not always about what you practice but more about HOW you practice.

If scales are getting boring, change the way you play them. Put on a backing track and play your scales along to it. Ask your musician friends about how they practice. Play your scales in thirds instead of up and down. Check out our jazz piano practice routine for some more ideas!

4. Go To A Live Show

Watching shows online is one thing, but seeing musicians perform live is a whole different experience. Personally, when I watch live shows, I feel like I get injected with the most potent form of motivation ever.

Going to live shows allows you to see (and hear) the skill of the musicians that are playing first hand. If you are lucky, you can even get the chance to talk to the musicians afterwards and ask them questions.

3 Tips For Maintaining Motivation

Regaining motivation is a beautiful thing, but once we have it, we need to maintain it so that it doesn’t get too lost. Here are 3 tips for maintaining motivation:

  1. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with a supportive environment that encourages you to be consistent. Share your goals with friends, family, or colleagues who can offer encouragement and feedback. Joining communities or groups with similar interests can also provide a sense of belonging and motivation through shared experiences.
  2. Regularly Reassess and Adjust Goals: Periodically reassess your goals and progress. As circumstances change, it’s essential to adjust your goals accordingly. This flexibility prevents stagnation and ensures that your objectives remain relevant and challenging. Additionally, setting new goals or refining existing ones can reignite motivation by introducing a sense of novelty and purpose into your musical pursuits.
  3. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Foster a positive mindset by focusing on the benefits and positive outcomes of your efforts. Instead of dwelling on challenges or setbacks, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Practice self-compassion and acknowledge all achievements, no matter how small. A positive mindset creates a resilient foundation for maintaining motivation, helping you navigate challenges with optimism and determination.


To conclude, it is now clear that motivation is not a static force but a dynamic rhythm that requires your attention and nurturing. By reconnecting with the intrinsic joy of music, setting realistic and inspiring goals, diversifying your practice routine, and drawing inspiration from the experiences of others, you can rediscover the melodies that first ignited your passion.

Don’t give up!